In this blog, Kelvin Rwasoka talks about his academic journey; how much he has learned, and grown, and how the WAAW Foundation and the 2023 WAAW Foundation summit has contributed to the entire experience.

Let’s see what he had to say about the 2023 Cape Town summit he attended.

The 2023 Capetown Fellows summit was a truly transformative experience for me, both personally and professionally. It not only unearthed a deep, hidden love for software and machine learning within me, but also imparted unforgettable life lessons through the powerful words of world-renowned speakers. This summit fundamentally altered my perspective on life, challenges, and people, reshaping the way I approach every aspect of my existence. 

Previously, I tended to prefer a more reserved role, avoiding the limelight, and remaining in the background. However, this summit instilled in me a newfound desire to be a memorable and impactful presence in my career, school, and business. It taught me the importance of leaving a lasting impression and inspired me to strive for excellence in everything I do. I now understand that by embracing visibility and actively engaging with others, I can forge meaningful connections and create opportunities for growth. During the summit, the founder of WAAW Foundation, Dr. Unoma, delivered a powerful message that resonated deeply with me. She emphasized the significance of innovation and entrepreneurship, encouraging us to harness our creativity and take risks in starting our own businesses. This advice struck a chord within me, igniting a passion for entrepreneurial endeavors and the pursuit of groundbreaking ideas. I am now driven to explore innovative solutions, contribute to societal progress, and make a meaningful impact on a larger scale. 

The knowledge and inspiration gained from the summit have propelled me to approach life with a fresh perspective and an unwavering determination to overcome challenges. I am committed to continuous learning and growth in the dynamic fields of software and machine learning. By staying abreast of the latest developments and actively seeking out opportunities to apply my skills, I am confident that I can make significant contributions to these industries. 

I will forever cherish the memories and lessons from the 2023 Capetown Fellows Summit, as it has truly been a turning point in my life. It has empowered me to embrace my passions, step out of my comfort zone, and strive for greatness. I am excited to embark on this new chapter, armed with the knowledge, inspiration, and network of like-minded individuals that the summit has provided me. 

Can you describe a project or research that you have worked or are currently working on? 

I am currently working on a particular research that involves the reprocessing of nickel spillages from the silt pond at the company I am working with for my internship. Over the years, material from our nickel processing plant has accumulated in the silt pond, primarily consisting of spillages containing higher-grade nickel compared to what we currently process. However, due to the extended settling time, most of the material has oxidized, making it unsuitable for reprocessing using the chemical reagents we previously employed. Therefore, my research focuses on identifying the most suitable reagents to achieve a higher nickel recovery from this oxidized material. 

In addition to this ongoing project, I am also excited about another project scheduled to commence once I complete the aforementioned research. This project involves the leaching of nickel concentrates using sulfuric acid to produce battery-grade nickel sulfate. This endeavor aims to enable our country to tap into the rapidly growing battery industry driven by the increasing use of electric vehicles. By producing nickel sulfate, which carries higher market demand and value , we anticipate not only contributing to the battery industry but also boosting profits. 

In what ways do you see yourself contributing to promoting gender equality in STEM fields? 

I am already addicted to empowering girls in not only STEM but in every aspect whenever I get a chance. I preach about STEM, I talk about WAAW foundation, and I talk about entrepreneurship whenever I have the opportunity to not only go on outreaches but sometimes to Youth gatherings, and church social meetings, at my workplace. I don’t wait for a time when I say yes now I want to preach about gender equality in STEM fields no, I grab a chance wherever it reveals itself be it in a taxi or seated next to a high school or college student in public transport. 

In the end, I have come to understand that failure is not something to be feared but rather a source of valuable experience. By embracing failure, I am able to learn, grow, and navigate the challenges inherent in entrepreneurship. With WAAW Foundation’s support and the lessons I have learned, I am now motivated to face any obstacles that come my way, knowing that they are essential components of the journey toward achievement. 

Are you motivated by Kelvin’s story? Donate to WAAW Foundation’s mission today to help other African youths who are pursuing success on their individual paths.

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