In this blog, we share with you the efforts of our volunteers at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. They started a week-long activity on June 12th to educate students about STEM, inspire them to pursue STEM careers and inform other university students about the WAAW Foundation’s initiatives to enhance STEM education for African girls. Sit tight as I take you through the details!

The WAAW (Working to Advance STEM Education for African Women) Foundation is a Pan-African organization working to advance the involvement and education of African women in STEM fields, and as part of their mission to achieve this, the WAAW Foundation has chapters spread out across African colleges (STEM chapters) through which they are able to access secondary school students to teach and inspire them to go into STEM fields. One of our programs is college-to-secondary school outreach, which is carried out by STEM Chapters formed by college students who volunteer to inform and inspire students about STEM. The WAAW Foundation’s STEM chapters support the organization’s efforts to highlight Africa’s desire to develop technological solutions to problems by empowering the next generation of African leaders and innovators in STEM. Are you interested in volunteering with WAAW?

The Highlights of WAAW FUTO Chapter Week

Day 1: Meet And Greet

As an icebreaker to their WAAW week, the chapter had an introductory meet and greet session to establish relationships amongst the volunteers and create a platform for healthy engagements across their circle. The fellows used the opportunity to plan for the event of the week as well as allocate responsibilities to ensure a hitch-free week. This session facilitated meaningful connections among the fellows, setting the stage for effective collaboration and engagement throughout the week’s events.


Day 2: Awareness 

The fellows went to meet students on campus to explain the WAAW Foundation’s mission. This was done after the meet and greet from the previous day and the plans that were discussed. They realized how rewarding it would be for both their chapter and the WAAW Foundation if more people could join to spread the message. The fellows captivated their audience by sharing compelling stories and personal experiences that underscored the multitude of benefits associated with joining the WAAW Foundation Futo Chapter. This was to enable the inclusion of more hands on deck- volunteers, sponsors, mentors, etc.—and to expand the voice of their mission. Following the awareness campaign, they successfully recruited four students to serve as volunteers. Sign up as a WAAW volunteer at your school today.


Day 3: Awareness 

Continuing the efforts of the previous day, the fellows visited more lecture halls on campus, telling the students about the vision of the WAAW Foundation and getting them interested in becoming participants in the WAAW Foundation FUTO Chapter. The volunteers recorded more successes and reached more milestones. Before I go on, one thing to note is that the stories WAAW Foundation tells and hopes to tell in the future are so captivating that anyone involved easily gets too drawn to them. Permit me to share one with you today, WAAW Foundation will continue to make impacts until more African women create technological advancements for Africa and more prominence is recorded from African women.


Day 4: Outreach

On the second to last day, the chapter embarked on college to secondary school outreaches, educating, enlightening, and informing young girls about STEM and its fast thriving advancement and contributions to the changes happening around them. They visited two schools: Army Day Secondary School and New Vision Academy, both in Owerri. These secondary school students were inspired to pursue STEM careers after hearing about several inspiring STEM experiences the fellows had to share. Additionally, they learned the value of a growth mindset in achieving success in their chosen careers. They were urged to enroll in STEM programs regardless of their background or academic standing, which allowed these young people to express interest in STEM fields and regenerated a path of hope in their goals and aspirations.


Day 5: Fellows Workshop and Award Ceremony

To crown off their meritorious service and efforts, they held, as a closure, a workshop for member-friendly discussions and interactions to enhance an already thriving relationship amongst the volunteers. As a plus, one of the secondary schools they had gone to in the past visited and thanked the WAAW Foundation for the opportunities it had exposed them to and asked the fellows to visit again. On that same day, they held an award ceremony. During the award ceremony, certificates were presented to fellows who exhibited exceptional dedication and active participation in the chapter’s activities. The certificates served as recognition for their contributions and motivation for continued engagement.


What a week! This well-thought-out program facilitated collaboration among fellows, provided valuable insights, and fostered personal and professional growth among the participants. The series of events captured fellows engaging with other fellows, sharing captivating stories, having relevant discussions, teaching students, and overall creating a  throbbing ground for growth to thrive on. 


STEM fields are rapidly growing and offer numerous career prospects. By introducing young people to STEM education, we equip them with the skills and knowledge to pursue diverse career paths in fields such as engineering, computer science, medicine, environmental science, and more. In addition to that, the WAAW Foundation platform is also keen on creating a breeding ground for development in the lives of young girls in the STEM Field. A ground that nurtures critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. We are also out to encourage young minds to question, investigate, and find solutions to real-world challenges. 

Why you should support WAAW Foundation

At the WAAW Foundation, we see STEM education as an opportunity for growth, continuous learning, and adaptability for these girls, and in it lies a great potential to change their communities and provide world solutions to problems. 


The WAAW Foundation empowers girls in technology and encourages STEM Education for females in secondary schools. We make their STEM experiences and journeys easier through our programs, outreach activities, and scholarships, which promote their interest. By investing in STEM education, we equip future generations with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate a rapidly changing world and make meaningful contributions to society.


Invest in STEM today.


Want to make an impact, Donate to the WAAW Foundation and equip one of its STEM chapters. Donate Now