Giving is a strong action that can alter the course of history. It can improve the lives of those who are less  fortunate and bring happiness and contentment to those who donate. Our purpose at the WAAW  Foundation is to empower African girls through STEM education and leadership development, and we see donations as a crucial component of this effort. 

In a world full of challenges and uncertainties, the act of giving holds incredible power. It goes beyond monetary donations and encompasses various forms of support, including mentoring, volunteering, and offering time and skills to uplift others. At the WAAW Foundation, we have witnessed firsthand how the power of giving has transformed lives and created a positive impact in the fields of STEM education and women’s empowerment.

Join us in this interactive and casual journey as we explore the different ways of giving, the profound difference it makes in the lives of those we touch, and how you can get involved!

Donation: Empowering dreams  

At the heart of any organization’s success lies the generosity of its donors. Donations are the lifeblood of nonprofits like the WAAW Foundation, empowering us to carry out our mission of promoting girls’ education in STEM fields. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, fuels our programs, scholarships, and initiatives, making it possible for more young girls to access quality education and realize their dreams. Remember, your donation doesn’t just create an impact today; it also lays the foundation for a brighter and more equitable future.

Mentoring: Nurturing Potential

Mentoring is a powerful tool that can change the trajectory of a person’s life. Through mentorship, experienced professionals offer guidance, wisdom, and support to aspiring individuals, helping them navigate challenges and seize opportunities. At the WAAW Foundation, our mentorship programs bridge the gap between industry experts and young women in STEM, inspiring confidence and nurturing their potential. As a mentor, you have the chance to shape a young mind, empower a future leader, and leave a lasting legacy of change. It all comes down to sharing your knowledge, abilities, and experiences with someone who is just getting started. The WAAW Foundation provides a mentoring  program in which African girls are matched with leaders who can help them polish their abilities and achieve their goals. Consider being a mentor and sharing your skills with the next generation of African girls if you have expertise in STEM or leadership. 

Volunteering: Impact in Action 

Volunteering is the heartbeat of any vibrant community. It is an active and hands-on way to make a difference, bringing positive change to the lives of others and creating a sense of fulfillment in our own hearts. Whether it’s teaching a coding class, organizing STEM outreach, or participating in fundraising events, volunteers play an essential role in the success of the WAAW Foundation. Your time and energy are priceless gifts that amplify our impact and turn dreams into reality.

I discovered the incredible power of giving while volunteering on the WAAW Foundation blog. It was so  inspiring to see the impact of teamwork and altruistic contributions. The WAAW Foundation gave  me the opportunity to share stories of kindness, perseverance, and optimism. It reaffirms the concept  that small acts of kindness can have a big impact on a community and bring about real change. Through  my volunteer work, I learned that giving is not just about material possessions. It is also about helping,  providing support, and spreading love. Giving has the power to connect and inspire people. 


In-Kind Donations: Transforming Lives

Not all giving comes in monetary form. In-kind donations, such as educational materials, laptops, and other resources, have a profound impact on the communities we serve. These practical contributions directly enhance the learning experiences of young girls and open doors to new opportunities. Your old laptop, a collection of books, or a box of art supplies can spark a passion for learning and unleash a world of possibilities.

Spreading Awareness: Amplifying Voices 

The power of giving extends beyond the act itself. By sharing our experiences, stories, and passion for the causes we support, we create a ripple effect that spreads awareness and inspires others to join the movement. Social media platforms, blogs, and word-of-mouth play a pivotal role in amplifying our voices and mobilizing a global community of changemakers. Your voice matters, and it has the potential to inspire countless others to be part of the change.

Giving is a powerful act that has the potential to transform the world. Your support, whether as a contributor, mentor, volunteer, or advocate, may make a difference in the lives of African girls. Join the WAAW Foundation’s effort to empower African girls through STEM education and leadership development. Together, we can improve the lives of African girls and make the world a better place. So let’s take this journey of giving hand in hand, with hearts full of compassion, and ignite a brighter and more equitable future for all. The power to change lives is in your hands. Will you embrace it?


Asanda Mazibuko

2022/2023 WAAW Foundation Scholar