Adopt a School Program is an initiative of WAAW Foundation aimed at improving Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education across Nigeria. This program is intended for individuals, corporate, and community organizations interested in building relationships with public (government) schools by adopting and equipping a school(s) to support students’ success for a minimum of one academic year. The drive involves equipping public schools with STEM lab, STEM Kits, sponsoring a College-Chapter with STEM kits, or equipping school teachers with relevant teaching skills through a professional teacher’s training. The project also involves identifying and adopting public (science) schools nationwide, thereby creating model institutions of learning for students especially in low-income communities. Individuals, Corporate, and Community Organizations are welcomed to apply to nominate and donate for a school to be equipped.

Join us today to reach out to more students in low-income communities by supporting any of the initiatives with your donation

Equip A Teacher With A Laptop

Equip A School With A STEM Lab

Sponsor A Teacher For Training